PSI PHYSICAL EXAM test strategy - OjasGujGpsc PSI PHYSICAL EXAM test strategy

PSI PHYSICAL EXAM test strategy

 Physical with light area is five kilometers away. First you have to complete the minimum within 5 minutes but you want 165 for OBCs and 165 for generals. 162 for brothers and 162 for sisters and 128 for OBCs and general category. For women there should be 156 centimeters for some women and four-five should be your full movie and five centimeters should be our 50 kg your weight should be 50 for brothers for sisters which is now Arya our criteria or PSI K If you want to go for P exam, for those who are full, you can definitely pass PSI and constable exams, now it is one time, it has to be 20 meters. 

PSI PHYSICAL EXAM  test strategy

PSI PHYSICAL EXAM  test process

Now we are talking about physical criteria. Now we are in the ground. When you have a written exam or the exam can be for a constable. The PSI is for you. If there is any work, if you are coming to Cuttack, we are calling for you. Now the physical is the ground for our race. If the background is to go inside the district, it has changed from now on. The nearest district is Junagadh district. 

The nearest district is Junagadh district. Gir Somnath Amreli Bhavnagar is the nearest district. If this is the way the recruitment of 2017 and the recruitment of 2020 went, then it was like this. Now you have passed. If a certain number is called in the same way as on the date and today it is downloaded on the 27th, then the reporting time is on the 27th. Now the ground report says that the ground reporting time is written in the new friends. In the morning No, it may be 7:00 am.

PSI PHYSICAL EXAM  test time and distance

 It may be that before it arrives early, in some places only 8:00 am, it may not be the case. Yes, but you can have time. You are there at 5:00 and if it comes, let's do a very good ray. Friends, you know it and the tide is getting longer at noon. And if it's done in five minutes, then half an hour is to be counted, then you have to count, or if one round is over, then it's over, then half an hour is to be started, then 10 to 15 minutes is to be started, then 200 people are to be counted in one hour. Your turn can be the same as if you were in the last round if you last arrived so friends can go inside the ground and If you take an HD  one, it takes a while for light food or heavy food to be digested. If you want to go at five o'clock, then everything has to be done by contacting you, then everything will be lightened. Then I don't mind if you go to the ground. 

There is a bathroom facility but it doesn't matter if you complete everything. Now it is time for you to go there at five o'clock. It is often the case that your date is on the 27th and you have arrived on the 26th, so this has happened many times and it is very important to take special care of it in Junagadh and why you have not reached the police training center. 

It is often the case that your background center is in place of the center, so both of you will be checked. J Let's check what we have done in writing, get the biometric, get your photo signature, then say, then slowly from there, you should go to the temple. Fifty or so lines are laid and then the group is given, then the group falls and a check number is given, a number 2 is given to us, 10:15 is given the number 1 2 3 4 5, if the number is given, then give the number to all. Wherever you have to go, you are given a fight today. Your color is toran. 

If you have completed your toran, it is for Rahul's study procedure. If this website is built in then you have to make a registration from there so all you see is the chassis number and everything goes a little further from there so no other friends are sitting inside the computer by checking what you do. Just register your number No, you go ahead. Now your final is the same. From there, everything is completed. After that, there is another book in lakhs. 

If Coke is a good officer, you are asking. If they like it, why don't some of them come? If the brother passes, then the rest. Those who are fully prepared, have a little bit of trouble. It is said to run, stay away, give motivation and then take it to the ground. Now take it to your ground and let you stand in the ground. If you have a problem, then there is a black bed, you fall into it and your round counts down, you have to hold your bare feet in it, so without you, it is better to explain it first without you, sir, now you don't sleep. Let someone stand up and then let me know if I can turn it on If it is like that, if there is a person, it is like twenty seconds

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